この歌、Phil Ochsの歌にしては珍しく放送でもたくさん流され、ロサンゼルスではヒットチャートを駆け上り20位まで達したが、5番の歌詞、「マリファナがビールより楽しい」という表現が問題になり、急激にチャートダウンした。
Outside of a Small Circle of Friends
作詞: Phil Ochs Look outside the window, there's a woman being grabbed They've dragged her to the bushes and now she's being stabbed Maybe we should call the cops and try to stop the pain But Monopoly is so much fun, I'd hate to blow the game * And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody Outside of a small circle of friends. Riding down the highway, yes, my back is getting stiff Thirteen cars are piled up, they're hanging on a cliff. Maybe we should pull them back with our towing chain But we gotta move and we might get sued and it looks like it's gonna rain * Sweating in the ghetto with the (colored/Panthers) and the poor The rats have joined the babies who are sleeping on the floor Now wouldn't it be a riot if they really blew their tops? But they got too much already and besides we got the cops * Oh there's a dirty paper using sex to make a sale The Supreme Court was so upset, they sent him off to jail. Maybe we should help the friend and take away his fine. (*) But we're busy reading Playboy and the Sunday New York Times * Smoking marihuana is more fun than drinking beer, But a friend of ours was captured and they gave him thirty years Maybe we should raise our voices, ask somebody why But demonstrations are a drag, besides we're much too high * Oh look outside the window, there's a woman being grabbed They've dragged her to the bushes and now she's being stabbed Maybe we should call the cops and try to stop the pain But Monopoly is so much fun, I'd hate to blow the game And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody Outside of a small circle of friends [ Additional verse, 1974 ] Down in Santiago where they took away our mines We cut off all their money so they robbed the storehouse blind Now maybe we should ask some questions, maybe shed a tear But I bet you a copper penny, it cannot happen here And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody Outside of a small circle of friends |
訳詩:管理人 窓の外を見てごらん、 女性がつかまれてるよ 奴らが彼女を林に連れ込んでいる そしてまさに刺されるところだ 恐らく警察を呼んで 止めさせるべきだろう でもモノポリーがとても面白くて 途中でゲームを台無しにしたくない * 誰の興味も惹かないから 小さな友達の輪の外では ハイウェイを下っていると そう、背中がこってくる 13台の乗用車が積みあがって 崖にぶら下がってる 恐らく僕らの牽引用のチェーンを 使って引っ張りあげるべきだろう でも僕らも進まなきゃいけないし 裁判で訴えられるかも知れないし、 なんか雨が降りそうだし * ゲットーで汗を流し 黒人たちと貧乏人たちと ネズミたちが床で寝ている 赤ん坊たちに群がっている 暴動が起こりそうじゃないか、 彼らが本当に腹を立てたら でも彼らは得るものを得過ぎたし 僕らには警官もいる * 不健全な雑誌があり 売り上げ伸ばすため性を使う 最高裁は混乱し 彼を牢屋に入れた 僕らは彼を助けるべきかも知れない 罰金を無効にして でも僕らは忙しい、プレーボーイと ニューヨークタイムズ日曜版を読むのに * マリファナ吸うのは ビール飲むより面白い でも友人が捕らえられ 懲役30年に処せられた 多分僕らは声を上げて なぜなのか問い詰めるべきだろう でもデモはうんざりだし 何よりも僕ら、もうハイになりすぎた * 窓の外を見てごらん、 女性がつかまれてるよ 奴らが彼女を林に連れ込んでいる そしてまさに刺されるところだ 恐らく警察を呼んで 止めさせるべきだろう でもモノポリーがとても面白くて 途中でゲームを台無しにしたくない |
フィル・オクス/Phil Ochs のプロテストソング I Ain't Marching Any More Too Many Martyrs(Ballad of Medgar Evers) White Boots Marching in a Yellow Land The War Is Over No Christmas in Kentucky 民衆心理・反政府などがテーマのプロテストソング |
Outside of a Small Circle of Friends by SONIA